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Schools and universities

As a place to learn and research, Germany enjoys a strong international reputation, from its school system to the dual vocational education system and its varied higher education system.

Bildung und Hochschule

Excellent higher education

German universities and higher education institutions enjoy a very good reputation the world over and are sought-after cooperation partners. Germany is also the most popular non-English-speaking host country for international students.

Dynamische Hochschullandschaft
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Dynamic Academic Landscape

Study opportunities with international appeal: The German academic world is diverse and excellent – and not only in the major cities.

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Attractive School System

In Germany it is compulsory for all children to attend school. The Federal states are responsible for the school system.

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Duale Ausbildung
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Dual vocational training

The German model of a dual vocational training system, which is now in demand worldwide, is successful thanks to its characteristic combination of theory and practice.

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School and education

In Germany, it is the 16 federal states that are responsible for education and education policy. The German model of dual vocational training, which combines theory and practice, is in strong demand internationally.

Dynamische Hochschullandschaft
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Dynamic Academic Landscape

Study opportunities with international appeal: The German academic world is diverse and excellent – and not only in the major cities.

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Beliebtes Studienland
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A popular study destination

Germany is a very popular destination for students from all over the world – and the range of foreign-language and international study courses is growing.

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Federal Republic

Federalism is a defining feature of Germany. The 16 federal states have a key role to play and participate in legislation via the Bundesrat, the second chamber.

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Facts and figures

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9 years of compulsory education
Children aged six and over must attend school for a minimum of nine years in Germany.
© Kalinovskiy/
Schüler gehen zusammen
© Kalinovskiy/
11 million pupils
The number of children and young people who attended one of the over 40,000 schools and vocational colleges in Germany. Around 798,000 teachers work at these institutions.
137 German Schools Abroad
Around 84,000 pupils across 70 countries attend these schools, with 23,000 speaking German as a first language.
324 apprenticeship trades
Training for these professions covers both theoretical and practical elements in Germany’s dual system.
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Girl in New York
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37,000 university collaborations
German universities have agreements with partners in more than 150 countries.
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© Monkey Business/
420 higher education institutions
The German higher education world offers excellent prospects even beyond the big cities.
© Jacob Lund/
© Jacob Lund/
2.9 million students
More than half of young people in Germany now study for a university degree.

Higher education students in germany

© dpa
The Excellence Initiative is announced for higher education institutions. The Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation provides funding for non-university research organisations.
© dpa
Almost all courses have been switched over to ¬Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses. State-regulated ¬degree courses, Medicine and Law are an exception. The proportion of state spending on research and development as a ratio of gross domestic product has exceeded three percent for the first time.
© Seventyfour/
Ten universities and one university group in Berlin were selected to benefit from the Excellence Initiative pursued nationally and by the individual federal states. Comprehensive financial support will help them to heighten their profiles still further in coming years.